New Studio !!

Okay so almost done !!In need of a bit more storage and a touch more style, but here are a few pictures of my new studio located right off my kitchen !!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE being able to work from home, my files are always accessible and my inspiration is always just a few steps away. Now im sure it will always be changing, that is what I do ! I have always loved my job and moving it even more into my life is the best decision I have ever made. Hope it makes you feel just as inspired as me ………..


goodies ALL OVER !!!!!                                                                                      


Absolutely love creating for each of my brides, every detail has its special place, from your vision to the studio and in your designs !! I honestly live for this .



Bling anyone ?????


Doing this blog post reminds me of my favorite wedding of all time. And the main reason why I do what it is that I do. The wedding was a mix of a Jewish ceremony & Indian traditions. A total gala event ! As the bride walked down the flower covered aisle with both mom and dad DANCING !!! The groom started to walk down towards her with his parents as well, they all met in the middle and when the families met you could feel LOVE LOVE LOVE so apparent that me, my (very stern) boss at the time and our assistant, who was a 22 year old guy!! were all in tears of joy. It was one of the most beautiful moments I may have ever seen and I am so blessed to be able to add to that moment in my brides lives.


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